Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Failing American School System

By many standards, the American school system is failing. According to a study by professors from Stanford University, only 6 percent of students in America are in advanced math, while over 20 percent of students in countries such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea are in advanced math. So, why is that the American system is failing compared to other countries, and how can it improve? Well, I believe the problem lies within the restrictions put forth by the NCLB, or No Child Left Behind. The NCLB states that all students must be proficient in math and reading by 2014, regardless of students with special needs, students who speak English as a second language, and students with less societal advantages. This is a problem because many schools are focusing in specifically teaching math and reading, instead of other important subjects like history, science, the arts, geography, and even recess. Children in the American school system are being deprived of very important subjects, all because of the restrictions made by the NCLB. Not to mention, schools that fail to meet the proficiency rate, are at risk for closing, or becoming a charter school. Without these restrictions in place, teachers would be able to teach students all the valuable subjects,without fear of losing the school.

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